Green Intelligence

Revolutionizing the Planting and Revegetation Industry with Expertise, Efficiency, and a Commitment to Environmental Conservation.

PermaPlant is an industry-leading commercial planting and revegetation company. We are comprised of highly motivated and skilled trade professionals who are dedicated to providing the highest quality planting and revegetation services. 

PermaPlant is committed to making a positive impact on the environment, which is why we proudly donate a percentage of our profits towards environmental conservation and restoration initiatives in Australia.

Our unique approach, called “Green Intelligence”, combines 25 years of collective experience to provide each plant with the best conditions to thrive. This ensures that every team member is extensively trained and equipped with the knowledge and tools to deliver exceptional results.

The system includes plant species identification, understanding the Australian climate, soils and topography, site safety and O. H & S combined with our superior planting techniques. 

PermaPlant’s Green Intelligence system considers individual plant species’ growth requirements, planting densities, and compatibility with neighboring species for optimal, long-term growth. 

At PermaPlant, our Green Intelligence system ensures each plant species is given optimal growing conditions for healthy and sustained growth, while our highly motivated professionals assess and manage species compatibility for a harmonious planting environment.

All PermaPlant staff are trained in Green Intelligence, ensuring high standards for every job. 

The system allows for done-for-you services, with our highly motivated and efficiently remunerated staff working autonomously. 

At PermaPlant, we prioritize quality, production, autonomy, speed, and attention to detail, guaranteeing the highest QUALITY plant installations per hour in Australia.

PermaPlant’s Green Intelligence system, combined with the expertise and efficiency of our highly motivated team, results in the fastest and most effective planting and revegetation services in the industry. 

Get in touch with us today.